What’s in my hospital bag

What is needed for my hospital bag when I have my baby? 

Whether you’re having an induction, c-section or going into labor on your own, I usually suggest bringing only necessities.  Hospital rooms often do not have extra space and you really don’t need as much as you think.  Hopefully you aren’t admitted too long prior to baby’s arrival and you can plan on being there 1-4 nights after baby is born depending on if you deliver your baby vaginally or via c-section and how well you and baby are doing.  

Here is a great list of essentials that we recommend. Pack like it’s a quick weekend away where you’re going to do nothing but lay in bed…..don’t pack like you’re moving in! 

  • Phone charger (extra long) – the bed is far from the plugs, remember chargers for any other device you may want to bring.
  • Entertainment devices – my husband brought his laptop, I brought my ipad.  It worked great to watch our favorite Netflix show instead of relying on the hospital TV working.  It was great for my husband to watch tv with headphones on while I tried to sleep! 
  • Comfy clothes for after delivery (robe, pajamas that are easy to breastfeed in) – nurses have to check incision and bleeding every shift so loose clothing is easiest.  Target has a great pair of button down pajamas that are perfect for nursing.  They’re my favorite!
  • Nursing bras or bralette – honestly just the hospital gown and pajamas will do but if you’re more comfortable with a bra on make it an easy one to pull down and nurse. Here is an option from Kindred Bravely that has quite a following but there’s plenty of options out there.  I loved the cross front style!
  • Pumping bra – if you’re planning on exclusively pumping this is essential! Sometimes you do start pumping in the hospital even if you don’t anticipate it so if you’re an over packer this is something nice to have. 
  • Going home outfit for mom – something you feel comfortable in, and remember you’ll be wearing a big ol’ pad on the way out.  I wore a t-shirt and sport shorts – you’re not going to the red carpet. 
  • Going home outfit for baby – Your baby is often skin to skin or wrapped up in hospital blankets so save their own clothes just for going home.  No need to go home with laundry already! I recommend a one piece / pajama set, you don’t want to have to dress up the baby in a 3 part outfit.  Bring a newborn and 0-3 month size outfit so your baby is comfy no matter what size they are!
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste – if you forget, the ones we give you in the hospital are garbage…put we do have them in case. 
  • Hair brush – and extra elastics! Clips are hard to sleep on:)
  • Shower shoes – I do not recommend bare feet on shower floors…don’t do it
  • Slippers/crocs/sandals – do not bring your cute Ugg slippers, there is a chance you will drip blood or other fluids on them.  You also don’t want to bring hospital germs back into your house.  I walked in with my crocs! They doubled as shower shoes, and I could hose them down when I got home. 
  • Toiletries (lotion, skin care, body wash, deodorant) – anything that will make you feel like a fresh human after having a baby! But keep it simple..again, not the red carpet.
  • Snacks – shelf stable snacks that you enjoy are so helpful, you’ll be up all night and you’ll want to reach for things beyond your meal trays.  
  • Large water bottle – yes, hospitals will give out the classic water pitcher, but if you need your comfort Stanley, it will help keep your water ice cold all day.  Staying hydrated is so important so if some crystal light or Mio helps you drink, I encourage you to pack some!
  • Car seat – out of the box and with base installed in your car ahead of time.  I see so many families bring the base into the hospital unnecessarily.  Have the car seat installed prior to delivery and practice taking the car seat in and out of the car so you’re comfortable handling it when the time comes! 

You should bring whatever makes you feel comfortable so absolutely go beyond this list.  People bring sound machines, pillows, a full make up bag, throw blankets, a million outfits for mom and baby, pacifiers, their own labor gown, depends, specific diaper brands they like, nursing pillows, we see it all!  Check in with your OB on their input.  Most hospitals and birth centers provide diapers/wipes, peri-care items, blankets for babies and some snacks/drinks on the unit.  They will also have hospital grade pumps for you to use while you’re there so you can leave your personal pump at home.  Most hospital lactation consultants are not well-versed in all the home pumps on the market and we want you to take advantage of the high quality hospital pump if pumping is needed/desired.  If breastfeeding is going well, you do not need to pump in the hospital.  Book a visit with us to learn about your home pump and everything you need to know about breastfeeding in the hospital ahead of time!